A little while back I helped out a couple a visiting amateurs to the island by replacing a couple of relays in their Automatic ATU, whilst in the shack we were talking about various things and I mentioned that I wish I had brought more stuff back from Friedrichshafen last year when I was there and that I was after a new Digital Scope and a few other things as well
Well it looks as they were very happy with my help as they sent me a Brand New Rigol DS-1054Z 4 Channel Oscilloscope direct from Rigol UK with all of the options added including the 24Mb Option and the 100MHz bandwidth and the decoders.
So I am well happy with the new toy and it has been placed on the test bench with my other toys, cheers guys and see you next year.
Fully Loaded Rigol DS1054 4 Channel Oscilliscope kindly donated to James Sawle (MD0MDI) by David Kent.
Instruction and Service Manuals
A collection of manuals for all my own test equipment that may be of some use to others
I am now retired and living on the Isle of Man, my background is as varied as it gets, ranging from Information Technology to Graphic Designer and 3D VFX Artist, using and teaching Autodesk Maya, Softimage, and Smoke, one of more enjoyable positions. Since Moving to the Isle of Man I try to keep myself to myself and work on the house, I don't do much with regards to Amateur Radio or Electronics anymore, but I am still interested in the hobby and may well get back into it one day....