New Present Arrives – Rigol DS1054 Oscilliscope (Fully Loaded)

Fully Loaded Rigol DS1054 4 Channel Oscilliscope kindly donated to James Sawle (MD0MDI) by David Kent.

The Rigol DS1054 Oscilloscope

A little while back I helped out a couple a visiting amateurs to the island by replacing a couple of relays in their Automatic ATU, whilst in the shack we were talking about various things and I mentioned that I wish I had brought more stuff back from Friedrichshafen last year when I was there and that I was after a new Digital Scope and a few other things as well

Well it looks as they were very happy with my help as they sent me a Brand New Rigol DS-1054Z 4 Channel Oscilloscope direct from Rigol UK with all of the options added including the 24Mb Option and the 100MHz bandwidth and the decoders.

A New Toy arrives at the shack, A Fully Loaded Rigol DS1054 4 Channel Oscilliscope kindly donated to James Sawle (MD0MDI) by David Kent.

So I am well happy with the new toy and it has been placed on the test bench with my other toys, cheers guys and see you next year.

Fully Loaded Rigol DS1054 4 Channel Oscilliscope kindly donated to James Sawle (MD0MDI) by David Kent.
Fully Loaded Rigol DS1054 4 Channel Oscilliscope kindly donated to James Sawle (MD0MDI) by David Kent.

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