EICO Test Equipment Manuals

Here you will find all of the manuals that I have managed to locate for EICO test equipment, it does seem to be a little hard to find these manuals out there and because of this I have put this page here to help others out.
EICO kit is always very useful, although for some reason they do not last up to every day use like the Heathkit items do, finding spares here in the UK is always a challenge, and the units that I do come scross are normally well used and in need of a complete rebuild as well as a restoration, often the front panels are beyond economical repair and often need to be completely replaced which often ,means making a new one from scratch complete which has meant that new silkscreens have needed to be made.
That said they are always worth restoring, the equipment is very useful, even nowadays.
If anyone comes across ‘ANY’ EICO equipment then I would be very interested in it and PLEASE contact me.