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Box E.1
The EF184 is a purpose designed high gain VHF frame grid pentode.
The EF184 was introduced in 1960 and superseded the EF80.
The mutual conductance is 15.6 and the closely related (pin compatible) variable μ pentode EF183 has a μ of 12.5.
The valve could be used as an RF amplifier for 405 line television receivers or band two FM radios. We have no details as to its noise performance.
The thin glass tube envelope is 21 mm in diameter and, excluding B9A base pins, is 53 mm tall.
Type EF184 was first introduced in 1960.

Pin 1: Cathode
Pin 2: Grid Number 1
Pin 3: Cathode
Pin 4: Heater
Pin 5: Heater
Pin 6: Internal screen
Pin 7: Anode
Pin 8: Grid Number 2
Pin 9: Grid Number 3
Vf : 6.3v
If : 300mA
Vap : 200v
Vg1 : -2.5v
Vg2max : 200v
Cgk : 10pF
Cga : 0.005pF
Ia : 10mA
Ig2 : 3.8mA
Ra : 350kΩ
S : 15
3EJ7 (Different Filament Voltage)
4EJ7 (Different Filament Voltage)
Thanks to the Valve Museum for the information collected here.