Vintage Radio Catalogues and Technical Papers


Either stuff that is just Interesting to read and look at, to essential Technical papers that I have found handy when trying our best to learn about restoring old radio equipment.

After seeing what I had on the computers at home I soon noticed that I had located quite a few of these, so I have tried to seperate them by Brands to make the pages load faster.

Allied Electronics

Various Vacuum Tube Databook's published under the banner of Allied Electronics

Amphenol Phenolic Corporation

Various Vacuum Tube Databook's published under the banner of Amphenol Phenolic Corporation

ARRL (American Radio Relay League)

The ARRL Radio Amateurs's Handbook (14th Edition, 1936)

ARRL Radio Amateurs Handbook (18th Edition 1941)

BA Electronics

BA Electronics and TV Catalogue (1967)

Coast to Coast Radio Corporation

Coast To Coast Radio Corp (1931)

Coast To Coast Radio Corp (1931)

Coast To Coast Radio Corp (1931)

20.51 MB 13 downloads

Conar Electronics

Conar Electronic Kits Catalogue (1966)


Drake Full-Line Condensed Equipment Catalogue (1973-02)

Drake Equipment Price List (1973-04)

Drake Full-Line Condensed Equipment Catalogue (1975-02)

Drake Full-Line Condensed Equipment Catalogue (1975-02)

Drake Equipment Price List (1975-07)

Drake Full-Line Condensed Equipment Catalogue (1975-07)

Drake Full-Line Equipment Catalogue (1977-01)

Drake Equipment Price List (1977-01) Page 01

Drake Full Line Equipment Catalogue (1978-04)

Drake Equipment Price List (1978-04) Page 01

Drake Full-Line Equipment Catalogue (1979-02)

Drake Equipment Price List (1979-05)

Drake Equipment Price List (1980-03)

Drake Equipment Price List (1981-12)

Drake New Products Sheet (1982)

Drake Equipment Price List (1984-03)

Drake Crystal Ordering Information


Eddistone Short Wave Components Catalogue (1936)

E. T. Cunninghham Inc.

Cunningham Radio Tubes Manual (1932)

Flashlight Radio

Flashlight Radio (1941)

Flashlight Radio (1941)

Flashlight Radio (1941)

949.91 KB 11 downloads

G&G Military & Commercial Surplus

G & G Military & Commercial Surplus Catalogue Number 67

General Electric

Lighthouse Larry 'Ham News' Sideband Handbook

General Radio Co.

General Radio Co. Catalogue of Radio Apparatus (1919)

General Radio Co. Catalogue of Radio Apparatus (1928)

Gernsbacks Educational Library

How to build 4 Doerle Shortwave Sets (1938)


Heathkit Test Equipment Catalogue (1954)

Heathkit Flyer (1954-Winter)

Heathkit Flyer (1954-Winter)

Heathkit Flyer (1954-Winter)

6.68 MB 4 downloads

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Fall)

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Fall)

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Fall)

5.56 MB 4 downloads

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Winter)

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Winter)

Heathkit Flyer (1955-Winter)

4.19 MB 2 downloads

Heathkit Catalogue (1956)

Heathkit Catalogue (1956)

Heathkit Catalogue (1956)

17.85 MB 6 downloads

Heathkit Catalogue (1958)

Heathkit Catalogue (1959)

Heathkit Catalogue (1961-Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1966)

Heathkit Catalogue (1967) Number 810

Heathkit Catalogue (1968) Number 810-68R

Heathkit Catalogue (1969)

Heathkit Catalogue (1969-Summer)

Heathkit Catalogue (1969-Summer)

Heathkit Catalogue (1969-Summer)

36.06 MB 3 downloads

Heathkit Catalogue (1970-Winter)

Heathkit Catalogue (1971)

Heathkit Catalogue (1974-03)

Heathkit Catalogue (1975) Number 806

Heathkit Catalogue (1976-Spring) Number 808

Heathkit Catalogue (1977-Fall) Number 817

Heathkit Catalogue (1977-Christmas) Number 818

Heathkit Catalogue (1978-Spring) Number 820R

Heathkit Catalogue (1978-Fall) Number 841

Heathkit Catalogue (1978-Winter) Number 819R

Heathkit Catalogue (1978-Christmas) Number 842

Heathkit Catalogue (1979-Fall) Number 846R

Heathkit Catalogue (1979-Winter) Number 843

Heathkit Catalogue (1979-Christmas) Number 847

Heathkit Catalogue (1980-Spring) Number 849

Heathkit Canada Catalogue No. 4 (1980 Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1980-Winter) Number 848

Heathkit Catalogue (1980-Christmas) Number 851

Heathkit Catalogue (1981-Winter) Number 852

Heathkit Catalogue (1981-Christmas) Number 855

Heathkit Catalogue (1981-Winter) Number 856

Heathkit Catalogue (1982-Christmas) Numbner 859

Heathkit Catalogue (1983-Fall) Number 862

Heathkit Catalogue (1983-Winter) Number 860

Heathkit Catalogue (1983-Christmas) Number 863

Heathkit Catalogue (1983-Winter) Number 864

Heathkit Catalogue (1984-03) Number 84-3

Heathkit Catalogue (1984-Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1984-Christmas)

Heathkit Catalogue (1985-Spring/Summer)

Heathkit Catalogue (1985-Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1985-Christmas)

Heathkit Catalogue (1986-Spring-Summer)

Heathkit Catalogue (1986-Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1987-Fall)

Heathkit Catalogue (1987-Christmas)

Heathkit Specifications and Schematics

Heathkit Tube Data for Heathkit IT-17, IT-21 and IT-3117 Tube Testers

Henry Radio

Henry's Radio Catalogue 1964-65

J. W. Miller Company

J. W. Miller Company - General Catalogue and Replacement Guide Number 61

J. W. Miller - TV Coil Technician's Replacement Guide Number 159

Knight Kit

Knight Kit Catalogue Cuts Stereo and Tape Deck (1968)

Knight Kit Test Instruments (1968)

Knight Kit Automotive, TV Servicing and CB Radio

Knight Kit TV Servicing and CB Radio

Lafayette Radio Electronics

Lafayette Radio Electronics Catalogue (1956)

Lafayette Radio Electronics Catalogue (1968-Spring)

Lafayette Radio Electronics Catalogue (1968-Summer)

Lafayette Radio Electronics Catalogue (1972)


Marconi Valve Manual (1928)

Marconi Valve Manual (1928)

Marconi Valve Manual (1928)

21.81 MB 10 downloads

Newark Sunday Call

Radio Experimenters Guide (1923)

Radio Experimenters Guide (1923)

Radio Experimenters Guide (1923)

23.65 MB 14 downloads


Olson Radio Catalogue (1974)

Olson Radio Catalogue (1974)

Olson Radio Catalogue (1974)

35.99 MB 9 downloads

Practical Wireless

PW Crystal Experimenters Handbook (1925)

The 'Radio' Magazine

The Radio Handbook by the Editors of 'The Radio' (5th Edition)

Radio Shack

Radio Shack Catalogue (1967)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1967)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1967)

20.86 MB 10 downloads

Radio Shack Catalogue (1990)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1990)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1990)

20.12 MB 11 downloads

Radio Shack Catalogue (1993)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1993)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1993)

22.55 MB 10 downloads

Radio Shack Catalogue (1998)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1998)

Radio Shack Catalogue (1998)

37.31 MB 10 downloads

Radio Shack Catalogue (2000)

Radio Shack Catalogue (2000)

Radio Shack Catalogue (2000)

49.84 MB 16 downloads

Radiocraft Library

Radio Craft Library Number 22 - The Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (1938)

Radio Craft Library Number 33 - Amplifier Builders Guide (1947)

Reflex Radio Receivers

Reflex Radio Receivers (1924)

Reflex Radio Receivers (1924)

Reflex Radio Receivers (1924)

3.05 MB 13 downloads

The Wireless Constructor

77 Selected Circuits (1931)

77 Selected Circuits (1931)

77 Selected Circuits (1931)

3.55 MB 11 downloads

Misc. Books and Papers

Applied Electronics - A First Course in Electronics, Electron Tubes and Associated Circuits (2nd Edition, 1954)

Coyne Electrical-Radio Trouble Shooting Manual

Electrical Communication (3rd Edition, 1954)

Electronic Transformers and Circuits by Reuben Lee (2nd Edition, 1955)

Electronic-Tube Circuits by Samuel Seely (1st Edition, 1950)

Electronics for Engineers (1st Edition, 1945)

Electronics for Communication Engineers (1st Edition, 1952)

Engineering Electronics by Donald G. Fink (1st Edition, 1938)

FTR Handbook of Tube Operation (2nd Edition, 1944)

Fundamental Radio Experiments by Robert C. Higgy (1943)

Radio Receiving and Television Tubes (3rd Edition, 1936)

Radio Receivers Manual by Dept. USA Air Force (1956)

Radio Telegraphy and Telephony (2nd Edition, 1931)

The Radio Handbook by William I Orr W6SAI (15th Edition, 1959)

Theory and Applications of Electron Tubes by Herbert J. Reich (2nd Edition, 1944)

Vacum-Tube and Semiconductor Electronics by Jacob Millman (1958)

Vacum-Tube Oscillators by William A. Edson (1953)

Vacum-Tube Voltmeters by John F. Rider (2nd Edition, 1941)

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