Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 Downloads
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Schematic Diagrams
43 PDF Files of A0 – A13 Boards …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Panoramic Stereo Reception – The New CW Advantage
4 Pages …
Ten-Tec – Orion I Model 565 – Orion I Review by John Devoldere (ON4UN)
3 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Various Replacement Displays for Orion 565
4 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Orion Interfaces and Band Voltage by Phil Salas (AD5X)
5 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Synthesizer Design Article
8 Pages. By Lee Jones (2004-07) …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Logic-DSP Modification to Support v2.x Firmware
17 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Linking the LP-PAN to the Ten-Tec Orion
14 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Power Connector Replacement with PowerPoles
5 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Service Directive 01 – Headphone Audio Noise
1 Page …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Using Orion’s Receiver by Sinisa Hristov (YT1NT)
6 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – RIT Encoder Replacement by John Dvorack KE5C (2006-02)
5 Pages …
Ten-Tec Orion I Model 565 – Bourns PEC11L Series Low Profile Encoder Datasheet
3 Pages …
Initial Release – Firmware Version 1.325
26th March 2003 – Firmware Version 1.326
- Fixed DV memory record/recall feature. Flash write & Recall was intermittent.
- Added STOP action to SEND1,2,3 buttons.
- PTT now ignored during voice record to prevent audio pop being recorded.
27th March 2003 – Firmware Version 1.327
- TX Meter hang increased from 200 mS to 300 mS
28th March 2003 – Firmware Version 1.328
- Pre-amp display now updated after a master reset.
- Expanded band edges by 10 kHz to cover some MARS frequencies.
31st March 2003 – Firmware Version 1.329
- Changed vox routine. Was not restoring correct vox gain after a power cycle.
- Fixed DSP Audio selection conflict between Bin Rx and phones selections.
- Master Reset state of Binaural Receive changed to OFF.
1st April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.330
- Improved Audio Menu MULTI routine.
- Reduced size of Sub receiver S-Meter to prevent overwrites of the Audio Menu.
2nd April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.331
- Fixed bug that caused TX to be disabled when tuner went into Bypass State.
- Added code to restore RX and TX Equalization values after power-cycle.
3rd April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.332
- Fixed audio menu bug that caused MULTI to adjust values in only one direction.
- Binaural RX state now restored at power up.
- Fixed bug on preset antenna selections.
- RX ANT LED update added to recall of antenna presets.
- Fixed bug in VOX system that caused the radio to key when vox first tuned on.
4th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.333
- Fixed FAST/SLOW encoder. FAST was tuning two times steps.
6th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.334
- Fixed bug in Keyer paddle routine that caused loss of rx at power-up when grounded.
- Continued revision/testing of serial interface.
- New DSP code v151 to fix distorted speech monitor in AM Transmit.
7th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.335
- Fixed another bug in the Audio Menu BinRx routine. Failed to re-program the sub-dsp’s audio selections when BinRx went to OFF.
8th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.336
- Changed rollover of EQ settings in audio menu to +/- limits of 20.
10th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.337
- Now clearing multi-encoder after moving highlight in the menu screens.
- Now rounding/truncating Vfo frequencies based on selected step.
- Changed Master Reset value of VFO-B to 14.035 LCW.
- Added Step-Multiplier function to [MAIN RX] and [SUB RX] buttons.
11th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.338
- Modified FM operation.
- Extensive work on the serial interface.
14th April 2003 to 16th April 2003 – Firmware Version 1.339
- Fixed bug in M->VFOB that caused VFOA freq to appear in VFOB display area and cover-up VFOB value.
- Changed Freq rounding routine to make single step after step side change. Was making two steps when moving down.
- Fixed NR and AN multi-enc behavior that caused them to occasionally turn off when being turned!
- Lots,lots,lots of work on the serial interface!
26th April 2003 to 6th May 2003 – Firmware Version 1.340
- DSP modified correct sub receiver QSK audio pops.
- Corrected Sub receiver RIT Operation.
- Final Serial Interface Updates. Release with Programmer’s Ref Guide.
3rd June 2003 – Firmware Version 1.344
- Modified tuning/BFO routines to improve crystal filter placement in CW modes.
6th June 2003 – Firmware Version 1.345
- TUNE now stops automatically when the tuner is finished.
- Key line/Paddles now stops CW playback.
- Eliminated garbage character beside display of sidetone pitch in CW MENU.
- Fixed Linker problem that caused garbage to appear in MEM window background.
13th June 2003 – Firmware Version 1.347
- Added trap for 60M band data to handle Flash update without Master Reset.
- Modified Serial Initialization routine to stop buffer clear on power-up/reset.
25th June 2003 – Firmware Version 1.348
- Added POD routing control to allow pod actions to be sent to a host PC.
- Corrected reporting of squelch query value.
- Corrected screen updates of AGC and Attn when changed via the serial port.
- Corrected muting on voice-playback, did appear to stick in Tx after playing.
- Added Filter-Associated Automatic Threshold adjustment to the AGC system.
- Added Filter Reset Option to the reset sequence.
10th July 2003 – Firmware Version 1.350
- Added code to force QSK delay to 0 in when using the tune function.
- Increased PBT ranges to 2500 Hz.
- Implemented corrections to FSK mode and enabled FSK input on rear panel.
- Changed Notch defaults to 300Hz wide at 1000 Hz center freq.
29th July 2003 – Firmware Version 1.351
- Sub receivers now connected to VFOB on master-reset.
- Added FSK monitor function.
- Now updating band-data when VFO changes.
- Added forced update to PBT/BW controls when Tracking changed in the menu.
- Fixed bug in Memory recall. Was not correctly storing the BW in the memory.
- Added keyer lockout so it can be used only in the CW modes.
- Added Xtal Filter Gain correction and correction for DSP bandwidths <150 Hz.
- Added S-Meter correction as part of the change above.
- Added Super-programmable AGC features.
7th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.352
- Changed PTT routines to use timed key-down measurements and programmed delays.
- Changed amp-loop routine to operate with the new key routines.
11th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.353
- Fixed SUB/MAIN RIT display subroutine so they were updated when RIT was on.
- Reworked PBT/BW TRACKING routines to eliminate the odd behavior.
12th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.354
- Completely turned OFF the CW key input is SSB Mode.
- Eliminated erroneous display of Hz at the end of the CW_MENU.
- Added Mode, BW and PBT to A-B & B-A exchanges.
- Dependent on Tracking Settings.
- Added calls to clear ‘tuned’ word from display after disengaging the tuner from the TX menu.
- Modified SWEEP clear functions to clear up junk on the screen when turned OFF.
- Modified VRP system because the DSP was staying in transmit after playback.
- Added code to clear the Voice and CW recorders indicators in FSK mode.
15th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.355
- Reorganized the new BBRAM values to eliminate the need for a master-reset between 1.349 and 1.355.
- Fixed pointer bug that caused pod to misbehave when the FSK was inverted.
- Fixed erroneous dot left on the display after transmit.
- Fixed SP bug that caused it to be ON at power-up even though it was OFF.
- Realigned the sub-receiver mode indicator in the display.
- Changed labeling for OTHER_MENU item selecting FSK TX Data Sense.
- Changed the sub-meter drawing routine to prevent overwriting AUDIO MENU.
19th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.356
- Modified serial interface AGC set routines to account for the new super-programmable AGC controls.
- Modified VRPB key-down routines to integrate new timed key-down routines.
- Removed rollover from the FSK menu option.
21st August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.357
- Added CW MENU selection to enable CW Key to be PTT in SSB modes.
- Fixed CW Playback bug that caused stuck key-down in CW mode.
- Modified NB Display routine to properly clear the ‘H’ indicator when Hardware NB tuned OFF in menu.
- Fixed line segment missing after a band change. (Between MON and SP functions)
25th August 2003 – Firmware Version 1.359
- Added Hardware NB control to the NB button. Press and Hold to toggle.
- Added bandwidth/mode association. Mode auto recalls last used BW.
- Corrected drawing in mode menu to remove Unwanted lines on left of screen.
- Modified sub receivers AGC hang setting serial port function.
12th September 2003 – Firmware Version 1.360
- Added cross-mode ability via VFO selection.
- Added restore of mode/bw association to the serial port mode set command.
16th September 2003 – Firmware Version 1.361
- Keyer Speed and SEND selections now change based on the transmit mode. (part of the cross-mode changes)
- Changed TUNE mode to take into account the new cross-mode tx capability.
- Added BW and PBT exchange to the A/B swap function.
25th September 2003 – Firmware Version 1.362
- Corrected SUB RX FSK PBT bug. Was jumping to 0 when the PBT was adjusted.
- Added calls to update BW values on display when recalling a band registers.
- More patches for voice record/cross mode operation.
- Modified serial interface TUNE routine to fix hang-up.
- Added lock-out to TUNE BUTTON if the radio is already in transmit.
- Modified NB/NR DSP for improved handling of large signals.
Firmware Version 1.368 (Not Released)
- Expanded 60M band to 5.425 to include Norways 5.410 and 5.420 allocations.
- Modified tuning code to reduce the tuning stutter at high encoder rotations.
- Fixed Menu item placement in FILTR, VOX and SSB Menus.
- Added the remote pod encoder control back to the VFO controls. Needed because of tuning changes.
Firmware Version 1.373b1
- Added additional checks for Curtis keyer control to MENUs. Was only called on power-up.
- Add WAIT_FOR_DSP_COMPLETE to mainRF routine. Toby P was reporting noise bursts.
- Added call to agc_change in serial AGC routine.
Firmware Version 1.373b2
- Removed call to update xtal filter drivers inside the PBT_BW routine. This is now handled in the interrupt routine. Having it in two placed was causing a conflict when writing to the interface chips.
- Added main_dsp_squelch variable to handle MOX for the main receiver. Was inadvertently using the sub receivers squelch value for the mains MOX unmute value. This caused a SQL problem when the main receiver was in CW mode anytime.
Firmware Version 1.373b4
- Eliminated passing of AGC info to DSP. This was causing Out of Band distortion when used.
Firmware Version 2.058
- Modified the AGC system. Now has slow attack to eliminate hang-up on news spikes.
- Modified the Speech Processor to use envelope detection for gain changes instead of peak-detection.
- Relocated the NR and NOTCH functions down one decimation level to reduce the processor load!
- Fixed scaling inside manual notch function that caused numeric overload.
Firmware Version 2.060a
- Increased AM Rx BW to 9KHz.
- Added soft limiter to FM Transmitter.
- Added on screen BAND REGISTER indicator.
- Added on screen SPLIT indicator.
- Improved AM TX carrier level.
- Improved QSK.
Last Updated : 31st July 2024