The Coming Cataclysm by Winston Cooper

The Coming Cataclysm by Winston Cooper

I have been after a copy of this book for over 20 years now, it was not an easy book to locate, having done the usual searches on Amazon and eBay, with no luck for years, that said – Amazon finally did it for me in the end even though it was over 20 years in waiting…

The book was written by the father of the girl that I was once very much in love with and still think about more often that not.

They lived at the time in St. David’s in Pembrokeshire (Dyfed), which is the smallest city in the UK and a really lovely place that I still to this day think of as home, what I remember is a great man, brilliant father, and someone that would always be there to listen and help, he introduced me to fine red wine, great food at a local restaurant called ‘Georges’, and the memory of him sat in his armchair with his headphones on listening to Mahlar, or music by either Bruce Sprinsteen or Dire Straits, I think it was the latter, still stay with me to this day.

For a while I helped them out in their shop which was the ‘Welsh Cart Craft Shop’, it used to be the largest shop in the smallest city, and sold loads of touristy nick knacks and loads of great things, I still have a mug that they had made for me here in my den, it’s weird how things we hold onto mean so much to us after so much time has gone by.

This book reminds me not just on Winston Cooper, but of someone that I have never forgotten – Jo.

As most males do we screw up, I did! I used to spend more time in front of a computer screen than doing what I could for her, that said I loved her totally and with all my heart, she still makes me hurt more often than not.

But alas that was a long time ago when things where a lot simpler and to be honest much more fun, I miss those times and I still miss Jo.

Winston was working on another book when I knew him, I have tried to find this but I am not sure if it was ever published, but he and his family will forever be a very big part of my life, and maybe for more sentimental reasons, this book will be a very valued book in my collection, and I am truly happy that I finally got hold of a copy, even though it cost me a pretty penny and had to be shipped from the USA, it was very much worth it, and I am now a happy bunny, all I have to do now is try and read it, and hopefully understand it, its a little out of my comfort zone being based around Economics, but I will give it a go.

See Jo, I do still think about you, I just hope that you really are happy and still loved, and in the very chance that you are reading this, somewhere in this small world that we live in – I really am sorry for hurting you, I was bloody stupid! xXx

Jo-anne Cooper outside the Welsh Cart Craft Shop in St. David's
Jo-anne Cooper outside the Welsh Cart Craft Shop in St. David's
Winston Cooper walking Benson outside of his shop in St. David's
Winston Cooper walking Benson outside of his shop in St. David's
For a while it was the largest shop in the smallest city, It was a great gift shop run by Vanessa and Winston.
For a while it was the largest shop in the smallest city, It was a great gift shop run by Vanessa and Winston.
One of the last photo's that I have of Jo.
One of the last photo's that I have of Jo.
Jo-anne at George's, any excuse for a good meal.
Jo-anne at George's, any excuse for a good meal.

Sometimes memories are the only things we get to hold on to, for me, my time in St. David’s was the best ever, and although I doubt I have even remotely been thought of by Jo, not a week has gone by that I have not thought of fondness of he. We rarely get to find someone so special in our short lives, for me, I will carry all that was good for what short time I have left on this planet – Always the softy… 

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