UnRAR Multiple .RAR files to the same directory under OSX

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Unlike ZIP, the RAR modules are not installed with the default installation of OSX so you will need to download the latest version from the RARlabs website.

Once you have downloaded the relevant file to your ‘Downloads’ extract them, once this has been done you will need to open a ‘Terminal’ window and make sure that you are in the directory that host all the files that you have extracted.

To install the needed files to the correct directory, copy the text below into your Terminal window and hit ‘Return’:

sudo install -c -o $USER unrar /usr/local/bin
Once this has been done, you will need to copy the next line into the Terminal window and again hit ‘Return’:
sudo install -c -o $USER rar /usr/local/bin
Now that both required files have been installed, it is just a simple task of typign the following to extract the RAR files from a folder on your system (backslash = SHIFT+ALT+7):
unrar x /path/to/file.part01.rar

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