What a Cock-up!

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I get a phone call stating that I need to be at the hospital for 12:30 for a Pre-Assessment for the Chemotherapy that I am apparently starting on Monday – Yippee…

So I get to the Hospital, Telephone the number for Oncology as they are not allowing anyone to just walk on it, pretty logical given the Covid crap, get asked my name and then a blank, after which I get, sorry we don’t have you on our list, so I give them the details of my consultant on the Isle of Man and also the consultant at Clatterbridge, and told that they will call me back…

After about 40 minutes I call them back, well im sat in the car getting thoroughly pissed off only to be told that it seems Clatterbridge was expecting me there today at 12:30 and not in the Isle of Man, the person dealing with the paperwork had obviously ignored looking at where I live and had not bothered to contact Nobles to inform them.

Luckily, and you have to thank the good staff that we have here, phone calls were made, hopefully a few loud words spoken and I was greeted at the door to be told that the can do the Pre-assessment but it will have to be in the morning, and not to worry, they had contacted the pharmacy in Nobles who luckily had been told to expect me on Monday and therefore had already stocked up on the Chemotherapy chemicals for my treatment, so hopefully things will finally kick off on Monday, Fingers Crossed….

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