I’m Starting to rattle!

Meds Changed

08:37 – Meds have been changed and I am feeling almost human, I can at least walk to and from the long to watch TV without actually feeling I was in the wrong house and taking about an hour to do so. Still feel very fluffy but hopefully this will sort itself out after a day or two.

New Meds means yet another spreadsheet, the only way that I can keep track of what to take and when to take them, going from about 4 tablets a day to about 40 a day is so not fun, bloody hate tablets, and a few of these I have to keep on my tongue to dissolve so that they get into the bloodstream fast, but why are these the ones that make you want to gag?

This is so much better than yesterday though, head feel clearer, and I am not in pain or discomfort, still not 100% but then I’ve got cancer, I won’t be for a while, but at least I do not want to end it, which I was supposed at me feeling that over the last few days but I really thought that was the best option, just goes to show that you have to stick with it, the girls in Oncology in Nobles have done a great job, I really appreciate their help, fingers crossed the next batch of Chemo will not mess me ups like the last one did.

21:55 – Feeling wooly! It’s been a goodish day, got taken out to do some shopping, not that I did much, managed to not feel sick driving up our lane and thus thew trip to town and back went one as well. Walking to the bank was a little strange though and it kind of went a little downhill from there, not too bad though, just had to walk like I was 100 and slowly, once home though I fell asleep and most of the afternoon was thankfully a complete blank, woke up to a cat on top of me and a craving for the toilet. Looks to be an early night.

If this is what it is going to be like then I can take it, hopefully the next few days will be just relaxing and trying to not do too much, roll on Monday and the next batch, will have to wait and see what that is like…

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