KW-1000 Downloads for the KW-1000 Linear Amplifier
1966 – 1976
The KW1000 amplifier was produced by KW Electronics in the UK in the 1970’s.
It is similar electrically and mechanically to the Heathkit SB200 and Yaesu’s FL2100 amplifiers.
A pair of 572B/TL160 triode valves (tubes) are horizontally mounted in a compact cabinet which also includes the high voltage power supply.
The valves are run in grounded grid configuration and require 50-75 watts drive to produce an output of about 600watts CW. Peak SSB output will be slightly higher.
Schematic Diagram for the KW 1000 Linear Amplifier (Source Roger Basford G3VKM)
Schematic Diagram for the KW 1000 Linear Amplifier (Source Roger Basford G3VKM)
Nicely compiled Instruction Manual (Source Unknown)
Last Updated : 31st July 2024