GB4MNH – Museums on the Air 2009

IOMARS Clubs Antenna - A 4 Element Mosley Beam flying high over the Old Grammar School in Castletown for GB4MNH Special Event Station

Museums on the Air 2009

Back in 2009 I was still an active member of the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society (IOMARS) and still always one of the first to volunteer for any events that the local club did in those days, something that does not happen nowadays.

One of the events that the club used to do was the Museums on the Air Event, and for this we used to operate from the Oldest known school still standing in the British isles, which is the Old Grammar School in Castletown and using the call sign of GB4MNH.

Always first to arrive on the scene of an event was Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ), always up for hard work

Steve Kelly waiting for everyone to arrive to setup for Museums on the Air 2008
Steve Kelly waiting for everyone to arrive to setup for Museums on the Air 2008

Matty Cunningham (MD0MAN) was always at hand to deliver the tower to somewhere around the Island, and he was getting quite adept at squeeze it into small gaps, such as the car-park entrance in Castletown.

Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) greeting Matty Cunningham (MD0MAN) who is bringing the tower.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) greeting Matty Cunningham (MD0MAN) who is bringing the tower.
The IOMARS Club Tower
The IOMARS Club Tower

It was not too long before it was being dragged to a location to be setup ready for the event!

Matty (MD0MDI) moving the tower to a suitable position
Matty (MD0MDI) moving the tower to a suitable position
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) making short work of assembling the 4 element Mosley
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) making short work of assembling the 4 element Mosley

It was not too long before it was starting to look like a beam, laid out on the ground ready to be placed onto the stub section on the mast.

Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) making short work of assembling the 4 element Mosley
Steve (GD7DUZ) nearly finished assembling the beam ready for installation onto the tower.
Steve (GD7DUZ) nearly finished assembling the beam ready for installation onto the tower.

Good old Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) was always good at helping out, especially for the Museums on the Air event which was his baby,  though this kept us laughing for a while when he made a complete mess of trying to unravel the guy rope!

Never give a half blind man a load of string to unravel
Never give a half blind man a load of string to unravel
Steve (GD7DUZ) was called in to help out after Stuart (GGD0OUD) and Harry (MD0HEB) were getting tied in knots
Steve (GD7DUZ) was called in to help out after Stuart (GGD0OUD) and Harry (MD0HEB) were getting tied in knots
I took a while but they were getting there.
I took a while but they were getting there.
Harry (MD0HEB) then decided that it was safer to be at the end of the mast and helped to crank her up into position, thankfully this was a much better job than the sorting out of the guy ropes.
Harry (MD0HEB) then decided that it was safer to be at the end of the mast and helped to crank her up into position, thankfully this was a much better job than the sorting out of the guy ropes.
After fitting the coax balan to the antenna along with the feeder, Steve (GD7DUZ) then fitted the Manx Flag to the mast.
After fitting the coax balan to the antenna along with the feeder, Steve (GD7DUZ) then fitted the Manx Flag to the mast.
The good old Manx Flag in position ready for lifting…
The good old Manx Flag in position ready for lifting…

Steve made short work of attaching the radials to the main boom, would not be too long now.

Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) attaching the last of the elements to the beam
Steve (GD7DUZ) attaching the last few elements to the Mosley Beam with Stuart (GD0OUD) looking on.
Steve (GD7DUZ) attaching the last few elements to the Mosley Beam with Stuart (GD0OUD) looking on.
Steve (GD7DUZ) and Stuart (GD0OUD) putting the finishing touches to the tower and making sure that everything is safe, as she would be left up and unattended over night for the weekends event.
Steve (GD7DUZ) and Stuart (GD0OUD) putting the finishing touches to the tower and making sure that everything is safe, as she would be left up and unattended over night for the weekends event.

GB4MNH 2009 - On the Air

With yesterdays work all carried out, it was time for fun, and with a reasonable turn out the adding the contacts to the logbook started…

GB4MNH Special Event Station for Museums on the Air 2009 from the Old Grammar School, Castletown, Isle of Man
GB4MNH Special Event Station for Museums on the Air 2009 from the Old Grammar School, Castletown, Isle of Man
The day started really early Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) on the radios and working the many stations that were out there.
The day started really early Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) on the radios and working the many stations that were out there.
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) turned up to help Harry (MD0HEB) out and before long they started chatting to other Museums all over the UK as well as other contacts that were calling us back…
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) turned up to help Harry (MD0HEB) out and before long they started chatting to other Museums all over the UK as well as other contacts that were calling us back…
Harry (MD0HEB) proving that even with his poor eyesight, he can still work the bands…
Harry (MD0HEB) proving that even with his poor eyesight, he can still work the bands…
The old school room in the Old Grammar School may not be the most comfortable place to operate from but it’s dry and there is plenty of seating, although we had to chop a foot off our legs to make them fit under the desks…
The old school room in the Old Grammar School may not be the most comfortable place to operate from but it’s dry and there is plenty of seating, although we had to chop a foot off our legs to make them fit under the desks…
Harry going for his Smoke Break, thankfully this is something he gave up on, he is a much healthier Harry nowadays…
Harry going for his Smoke Break, thankfully this is something he gave up on, he is a much healthier Harry nowadays…
Harry and Stuart making sure that they are up to date with the QSL Cards for the event.
Harry and Stuart making sure that they are up to date with the QSL Cards for the event.
I even had time to play on the radio…
I even had time to play on the radio…
We managed to get two radios on the go, with Stuart and Harry manning one of the them and me on my FT-897D playing as well.
We managed to get two radios on the go, with Stuart and Harry manning one of the them and me on my FT-897D playing as well.
Even Dave Cain (2D0YLX) made an appearance and was forced to the radio to give other a much needed break.
Even Dave Cain (2D0YLX) made an appearance and was forced to the radio to give other a much needed break.
Dave managed to crack on for a while making some good contacts throughout the afternoon.
Dave managed to crack on for a while making some good contacts throughout the afternoon.
Dave managed to crack on for a while making some good contacts throughout the afternoon.
Dave managed to crack on for a while making some good contacts throughout the afternoon.
Even lunch time did not stop the guys from working.
Even lunch time did not stop the guys from working.
Jeannie Hill (2D0JEA), Stuart’s better half turned up with the guard dog, we were just hoping that it had already been fed prior to arriving, as we would end up being dinner otherwise…
Jeannie Hill (2D0JEA), Stuart’s better half turned up with the guard dog, we were just hoping that it had already been fed prior to arriving, as we would end up being dinner otherwise…
Jeannie Hill's (2D0JEA) guard dog
We even managed to get Jeannie (2D0JEA) on the microphone, though Stuart had to take care of the pooch whilst this happened…
We even managed to get Jeannie (2D0JEA) on the microphone, though Stuart had to take care of the pooch whilst this happened…
Who said that you cannot mix pets and Ham Radio?
Who said that you cannot mix pets and Ham Radio?
Stuart having a well earned break whilst watching Harry trying to hang himself!
Stuart having a well earned break whilst watching Harry trying to hang himself!
I managed to get back on the radio in the afternoon to have another play.
I managed to get back on the radio in the afternoon to have another play.
John Butler (GD0NFN) proving that he can do some hard work, here he is working the Morse Key during the event…
John Butler (GD0NFN) proving that he can do some hard work, here he is working the Morse Key during the event…
Harry posing by the IOMARS banner that he got printed just for the Museums on the Air event…
Harry posing by the IOMARS banner that he got printed just for the Museums on the Air event…
John Butler (GD0NFN) listening hard to the contacts coming through… And more interesting, playing CW!
John Butler (GD0NFN) listening hard to the contacts coming through… And more interesting, playing CW!
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) motoring on through the pileups, and that’s John Butler (GD0NFN) in the background working the other station and enjoying weekend as well..
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) motoring on through the pileups, and that’s John Butler (GD0NFN) in the background working the other station and enjoying weekend as well..
Steve (GD7DUZ) working hard on the radio and using his Transverter for 70MHz
Steve (GD7DUZ) working hard on the radio.
Steve (GD7DUZ) working hard on the radio.
Steve (GD7DUZ) working hard on the radio.
Steve (GD7DUZ) cranking out the contacts whilst Stuart (GD0OUD) handled the logging, a fun time was being had by all…
Steve (GD7DUZ) cranking out the contacts whilst Stuart (GD0OUD) handled the logging, a fun time was being had by all…
The Old Grammar school where we were operating from.
The Old Grammar school where we were operating from.
The Mosley 4 Element Beam flying high of the Special Event Station
The view towards Castletown center from the breakwater
The Mosley 4 Element Beam flying high of the Special Event Station
The small Lighthouse at the entrance to Castletown's harbour

As the day was drawing to an end, Stuart was catching up with the QSL Cards, which each needed a label made to cover up the previous years details, whilst all this was going on, Harry and Steve were trying to find new contacts to add to the logbook with the bands fading a little.

Stuart (GD0OUD) was busy working on the QSL Cards for the event whilst Harry (MD0HEB) chatted with Steve (GD7DUZ) in a break in the traffic
Stuart (GD0OUD) was busy working on the QSL Cards for the event whilst Harry (MD0HEB) chatted with Steve (GD7DUZ) in a break in the traffic
The bit of History to make this page informative.

Museums on the Air 2008

Local Special Event station (GB4MNH) Organized by Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) and run on behalf of the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society (IOMARS)

Lifeboats on the Air 2009

Special Event Station (GB5LB) by the IOMARS (Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society)

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