Museums on the Air 2008
Museums on the Air Special Event Station, run by the IOMARS (Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society) and organized by Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) was one of the first events that I did with the club as it once was, these used to be a very good turn out of volunteers before things went down hill, but even back here there used to be good things happening and people would always help out where they could.
The Old Grammar School dates back to around 1200AD as the first church for the settlement that grew up around Castle Rushen.
Much later becoming a school for boys as it is now depicted. It is the oldest roofed structure still standing on the Isle of Man today, which is surprising with the weather that we see..
Below is a link to a document provided by the Manx National Heritage with a little information in it about the Old Grammar School, could not locate anything more informative…
GB4MNH was the call sign used to support the ‘Manx National Heritage’ sites in the Isle of Man during the Museums on the Air event held each year.
This year looked to be a rather stormy weekend, with very high winds and lots of rain, thank god we were not in a tent or out in the open, at least the Old Grammar School had a very good roof and was locked up tight against the wind!

We managed to get the Antenna situated next to the Old Grammar School so that we could run the feeder in through a side door, which also meant that we could keep the door shut as there was a gap beneath the door, something that could not have been done if we were running them through an open window.

Due to the high winds we decided not to risk cranking up the tower any more than it was, but it still proved a good height and although the conditions on the bands and outside were against us, it was still a fun weekend.

The setup for GB4MNH…

Colin Ingles (MD0PWI) who used to be a regular in the club, seen here working one of the many stations that contacted us during the weekend..

It was a hard struggle to get the contacts in, the bands were OK, but there was so much noise around to work through…

Both Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) and Colin Ingles (MD0PWI) working the band hard during the weekend.

Harry hard at work on the bands…

The Isle of Man in the Rain is horrible, and even trying to stretch my legs and go for a walk to take a few photos was not a good idea in this weather.

Hopefully showing you how horrible the weather was, the waves breaking over the Castletown breakwater and more often than not being pushed into our faces even at this distance, it certainly was not nice at all.

The weekend for Museums on the Air was quite hard, the weather did not help, and it was cold, wet and generally horrible, but in-between trips to the shops, some good laughs and the many contacts that we did make, it did turn out to be fun, thanks to all that helped activate GB4MNH on behalf of the Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society (IOMARS).