IOMARS Special Event Station (GB5TD) Tynwald Day 2009

Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man

Tynwald Day 2009

Tynwald Day in the Isle of Man is a Day Off for all and it is as near as we get to a royal event on the Isle of Man, it’s a celebration of the Oldest Government in the British Isles and in the terms of Amateur Radio, it just happens to be the biggest event of the year, not from the amount of contacts made during the event, but as far as Public Relations go, it is great,, many people walk by and get a chance to see what Amateur Radio is all about, and it also helps having a big stick stuck up in the air to show where we are.

Tynwald Day in the Isle of Man normally starts a day or two early with the tower being delivered and moved into place, usually before the marquee gets put up, in this case we were a little late and a few minor issues with regards to were the tower was placed needed to be sorted out, thankfully Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) was able to take down a few of the guys of the marquee temporally to be able to move the tower to a more people friendly location.

Just a few more last minute adjustments by Steve before he is happy with the setup.

Steve (GD7DUZ) attaching the balan to the Beam.
Steve (GD7DUZ) attaching the balan to the Beam.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) attaching the vertical to the top of the tower
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) attaching the vertical to the top of the tower

The last of there radials get attached to the main boom, ready for lifting.

Steve kelly (GD7DUZ) making sure that things are correct at the top of the mast before it goes up.
Steve kelly (GD7DUZ) making sure that things are correct at the top of the mast before it goes up.

With Steve being Steve! he did not take too long to get the beam attached to the top of the mast and all of the cables and guys attached ready, and even before many had even turned up, he was fitting the last bits to the tower, and in this case, the balun was finally installed into place.

Most of the radials assembled and nearly time to put he in the air.
Most of the radials assembled and nearly time to put he in the air.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) checking that all is right as the tower goes up.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) checking that all is right as the tower goes up.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) even has time to show off his knotting skills, the only problem was that he could not undo his masterpiece! Opps!
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) even has time to show off his knotting skills, the only problem was that he could not undo his masterpiece! Opps!
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) looking as though he needs a bit of a rest after the work he has been doing.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) looking as though he needs a bit of a rest after the work he has been doing.
This was my own humble set-up for the event and was used for SSB, Data and CW during the event.
This was my own humble set-up for the event and was used for SSB, Data and CW during the event.
The view of the shack from outside taken the day before the crowds swarmed in
The view of the shack from outside taken the day before the crowds swarmed in
Another welcome site, that of Dave Corkish (2D0RGW) turned up for a chat with all.
Another welcome site, that of Dave Corkish (2D0RGW) turned up for a chat with all.
Steve, now relaxed and cleaned up after all the hard work and ready for the public… Weirdly with a plant growing out of his chest (Cannot remember why?)
Steve, now relaxed and cleaned up after all the hard work and ready for the public… Weirdly with a plant growing out of his chest (Cannot remember why?)

Whilst all this madness was going on, I should point out that they tent was not just used by us, along side up was a fine collection of models from the Manx Model Boat Society.

Model Aircraft at the Tynwald Day show
A lot of care had been taken with some of theses models.
Manx Model Boat Club
Model of one of the local RNLI boats
Nice model of an old tug boat
Model of an old trawler
A great selection of Model boats were on display including these of craft that were based in the Isle of Man during the second world war.
The detail on some of these models were stunning.

Now whilst all this was going on in the tent, outside there was this little thing called Tynwald Day, so just so that you get the idea of what happens every year here pin the Isle of Man, here are some photos to help explain it…

Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man
Tynwald Day 2008 Isle of Man

Ok, Now back to a few more Ham related Photos….

Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) motoring away on PSK31 Data Modes, somewhat easier to do with all the noise around the place.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) motoring away on PSK31 Data Modes, somewhat easier to do with all the noise around the place.

Dave Cain (2D0YLX) and James Kelly (MD3WKJ) made an appearance in the afternoon.

Dave Cain (2D0YLX) meeting up with James Kelly (MD3WKJ) on a very sunny Tynwald Day
Dave Cain (2D0YLX) meeting up with James Kelly (MD3WKJ) on a very sunny Tynwald Day

Dave Cain and myself hopefully proving that Ham Radio is Fun…

The Ever Happy Dave Cain (2D0YLX) with Me, James Sawle (MD0MDI) having a rest after some hard work.
The Ever Happy Dave Cain (2D0YLX) with Me, James Sawle (MD0MDI) having a rest after some hard work.
Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) enjoying a bit of sun at the Tynwald Day event.
Harry Blackburn (MD0HEB) enjoying a bit of sun at the Tynwald Day event.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) running PSK31 Data Mode during the IOMARS GB5TD Tynwald Day Special Event station.
Steve Kelly (GD7DUZ) running PSK31 Data Mode during the IOMARS GB5TD Tynwald Day Special Event station.
Paul McGrath (GD0BCJ) makes his appearance, an always welcome guest.
Paul McGrath (GD0BCJ) makes his appearance, an always welcome guest.
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) helping someone on the radio.
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) helping someone on the radio.
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) chatting with Rob Hannan (G4RQJ), one of the guys from SOTA (Summits on the Air).
Stuart Hill (GD0OUD) chatting with Rob Hannan (G4RQJ), one of the guys from SOTA (Summits on the Air).
Alex Gartshore (GD6IA) and Dave Corkish (2D0RGW) chatting with Rob Hannan’s (SOTA) wife, Audrey.
Alex Gartshore (GD6IA) and Dave Corkish (2D0RGW) chatting with Rob Hannan’s (SOTA) wife, Audrey.

Now with the end of the day, and a good event all done and dusted.

Loads of interest in both Amateur Radio and what we were all doing in general.

It was a good event, and a good job done…

The IOMARS Club Tower in the School at St. Johns for Tynwald Day
The IOMARS Club Tower in the School at St. Johns for Tynwald Day
Contacts made during the event
Contacts made during the event

Mad Sunday 2009

Mad Sunday Special Event Station by the IOMARS (Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society)

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