Lifeboats on the Air - Ramsey in the Sun
There is no better cause than that of supporting the brave people that constantly face the weather and fears that would crush normal people, the Lifeboat Crews around our coastlines – The RNLI.
Mike Dunning (GD0HYM) has organized the ‘Lifeboats on the Air‘ event on a yearly basis with the local ‘Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society (IOMARS), though I am not sure if they are bothering to carry on with these nowadays, at least I have not heard if they have done them of late, but here are a few photos of what he got up to in 2009
First job of the day and taking advantage of the good weather and the fact that someone many hundreds of years ago had the foresight to build a castle right where it would be perfect for use by radio amateurs a long time later, was to put up the dipole that would be used for this event.
John had to keep holding this for the duration of the Lifeboats on the Air event! OK, Not really, but at least it was pointing upwards, now all that had to be done was to make sure that it stayed this way up, thankfully there are loads of nice railings that we could tie some string to…
Just a few more photos of the Lifeboat.
John Martin (GD4RAG) making any excuse to get on the radio with my nipper in the corner sulking, it was most probably over Davidsons Ice Cream shop being closed, he he…