Eddystone Downloads (Type 31A to Type 6200)
As with most of these old radios nowadays, I have often had a bit of a problem locating information on them to help in the restoration of these beautiful old receivers, more often than not I have had to download a document from one site, and another from another site to just find what is needed.
I have also noticed that quite. a few of the older sites that I used to find useful have now gone for good.
For this reason I thought that I would create another page to house my Eddystone Radio Downloads in the hope that it is another resource that will hopefully stay up and allow anyone needing a manual to be able to download it.
I hope that you find something useful here.
Check out some other useful pages on my site.
Follow the very slow restoration of a KW Vanguard AM/CW Transmitter.
KW Vanguard Restoration Project
Restoration, Tune-up and Complete Rebuild of the Drake R-4C Receiver
Drake R-4C Restoration Project
Restoration of this T-4X Transmitter with Missing Parts is going to be a very slow project.
Drake T-4X Restoration Project
Not really a true restoration but more of a strip down and clean, again some missing parts but all minor.
Larkspur D11 Antenna Tuning Unit
A fairly easy modification to the Kenwood TS-570 Transceiver, will also work on the TS-2000.
Kenwood TS-570 Blue Display Modification
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Eddystone Type 31A Noise Measuring Set

Type 31A - A Portable VHF Tracing and Measuring Set by J. H. Ainley
11 Pages ...
Eddystone Type 40A Noise Measuring Set
Eddystone Type 358 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 400B Air Ministry Receiver

Type 400B - Instruction Manual
Also known as Air Ministry Set R1448 (1943) 13 Pages ...
Eddystone Type 504 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 556 Receiver
Eddystone Type 640 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 659 Receiver
Eddystone Type 670 Marine Receiver
Eddystone Type 670A Marine Receiver
Eddystone Type 670C Marine Receiver
Eddystone Type 678 Modulation Level Indicator
Eddystone Type 680 & 680X Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 699 Semi-Automatic Morse Key
Eddystone Type 700 (IMR54) Receiver
Eddystone Type 710 “All World Six” Receiver
Eddystone Type 730 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 730/1A Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 730/4 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 730/6 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 730/10 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 740 Communications Receiver

The Eddystone 740 and 750 Receivers - Shortwave Magazine (1969-05)
5 Pages ...
Eddystone Type 750 Communications Receiver

The Eddystone 740 and 750 Receivers - Shortwave Magazine (1969-05)
5 Pages ...
Eddystone Type 770R VHF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 770S UHF Receiver
Eddystone Type 770U UHF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 820 Receiving Unit
Eddystone Type 830/3 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 830/4 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 830/7 HF/MF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 830/9 HF/MF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 840 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 840A Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 840C Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 850/2 VLF/LF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 850/4 LF/MF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 870 Receiver
Eddystone Type 870A Receiver
Eddystone Type 880 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 880/2 High Stability Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 880/3 High Stability Communication Receiver

Type 880-3 - Instruction Manual
125 Pages (Marconi Rebranded Model Number H2301) ...
Eddystone Type 888 Amateur Band Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 888A Amateur Band Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 890 – VHF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 898 Homebrew Receiver
Eddystone Type 902 Edometer
Eddystone Type 909 & 909/1 Marine Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 910/1 Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 924 Voltage Converter
Eddystone Type 940 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 945 Power Supply
Eddystone Type 958/5 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 958/7 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 960 Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 990R VHF Receiver
Eddystone Type 990S Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 1000 & 1001 General Purpose HF/MF Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 1002 AM/FM Broadcast Receiver
Eddystone Type 1004 Reserve Marine Receiver
Eddystone Type 1004A Reserve Marine Receiver
Eddystone Type 1535 Display Unit
Eddystone Type 1560 Receiver
Eddystone Type 1570 AM-FM General Purpose Receiver
Eddystone Type 1570/1 AM-FM Broadcast Receiver
Eddystone Type 1590 AM/SSB/CW General Purpose Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 1650/6 Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 1650/7 High Stability HF/MF Receiver
Eddystone Type 1650/9 Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 1680/3T Communication Receiver
Eddystone Type 1685 Remote Control Unit
Eddystone Type 1830 HF/MF General Purpose Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 1830/1 HF/MF General Purpose Communications Receiver

Type 1830-1 - Appendix E - Instruction Manual
18 Pages (Also Covers Type 1830/4) ...
Eddystone Type 1837 General Purpose High Stability Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 1838/1 General Purpose High Stability Telephony Receiver
Eddystone Type 1934 Kilodyne Kits
Eddystone Type 1990R General Purpose VHF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 1990S Professional Grade UHF Communications Receiver
Eddystone Type 1995 High Stability VHF/UHF Receiver
Eddystone Type 5000 Orion HF SSB Transceiver
Eddystone Type 5500 Orion Transceiver
Eddystone Type 5700 Orion Transceiver
Eddystone Type 6100 Receiver
Eddystone Type 6200 Communications Receiver