OV P08 DXpedition to the Isle of Man 2011 – Day 04

The DARC Bag over Eary Cushlin

Day 4 of the DXpedition to the Isle of Man.

The crew decided to put in a late night last night / even later morning! So when I arrived at Eary Cushlin, most of them were kind of walking zombies, but very soon after a breakfast of shredded wheat and beer (no milk here – There real MEN), they started to get some life back into bodies… It’s really hard work being a ham radio operator!

But joking aside, all the kit was configured, tested and ready for the contest; all they needed was the bands and conditions to be perfect! Well fingers crossed…

Pueppi relaxing in the sun after a hard day sleeping or whatever cats do.
Pueppi relaxing in the sun after a hard day sleeping or whatever cats do.

Even Pueppi (DN4CAT) was getting cleaned up after a hard night on the key!

The morning gave time for the crew to basically relax and take it easy, early testing of the bands were not proving too good with fading conditions and even local contacts into Europe were proving a little difficult, but as they were aware the night was when they would hopefully be able to make up for it.

The team hard at work during the DXpedition to the Isle of Man
The team hard at work during the DXpedition to the Isle of Man

So until then it was just a good time to relax and wake up!


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