OV P08 DXpedition to the Isle of Man 2011 – Day 03

A little mascot that the team bought with them.

The DXpedition to the Isle of Man - Day 3

Another nice day at Eary Cushlin, with the weather gradually improving and with all the kit now unpacked and most of the testing finished, only a few minor changes need to be made today in preparation for the IARU HF World Championship Contest tomorrow.

A few things were on the books for the day, the most important item was to move the spider beam to a new location outside the form of the house, this was mainly due to interference from the new generator that has been installed here for mains power.

Bernd Bross (DH1SBB) managing to do some mobile operation
Bernd Bross (DH1SBB) managing to do some mobile operation

So with all the available help, the antenna was lifted off its base and dragged to the new location, then a little testing on the bands to check all is well.

Bernd Bross (DH1SBB), Erwin Kleiner (DL6SBN) and Guenther Haug (DG1SBU) doing all the hard work whilst Rainer Sins (DG5SBK) keeps the reigns on them.
Bernd Bross (DH1SBB), Erwin Kleiner (DL6SBN) and Guenther Haug (DG1SBU) doing all the hard work whilst Rainer Sins (DG5SBK) keeps the reigns on them.
The whole DXpedition team enjoying a night on the radio
The whole DXpedition team enjoying a night on the radio

For me anyway this was a very interesting but tad short day, I now think that the Elecraft K3 is a very great radio, and one that I personally will one day look forward to building (hopefully)….


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