KW-2000 Downloads
KW 2000 – 1963 – 1966
KW 2000A – 1964 – 1969
KW 2000B – 1969 – 1973
KW 2000 CA/CAT – 1966 – 1976
KW 2000E – 1973 – 1976

Frequency Coverage
2000 – 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m (Transmit) 160m – 10m (Receive)
2000A/B/E – 160m 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m (Transmit) 160m – 10m (Receive)
Transmit Power
2000 – 50W
2000A – 125W
2000B – 100W
2000E – 180W (SSB) 150W (CW)
KW 2000 (May have information from other models, if so please let me know)
KW 2000 Instruction Manual (from VMARS Archive)

KW 2000 – Instruction Manual
55 Pages. KW 2000 Instruction Manual (from VMARS Archive). …
Power Supply Schematic
Power Supply Schematic (Source Graham Adcock G4EUK)
Power Supply Schematic apparently for the KW 200 but poorly scanned and missing a bit but could be useful to someone.
List of Valves used in the KW 2000
Microphone Arrangement Guide (Source Graham Adcock G4EUK)
Interconnection guide (Source Roger Basford G3VKM)
Quite an up to date review that appeared in RadCom Magazine in 2010
Radio Communications article from 1972 called ‘More Modifications to the KW 2000’ by M.A. Hall G3USC (Source Graham Adcock G4EUK)

More Modifications to the KW 2000 by M.A. Hall G3USC (Radio Communications 1972-06)
RSGB Bulletin of KW 2000 Modifications (1965-10)
Shortwave Magazine article from 1975 of Modifying the KW 2000
Part 1 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 2 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 3 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 4 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 5 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 6 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Part 7 of 7 of a series of articles that were published in the Ham Radio Today Magazine in the UK about upgrading the KW 2000
Magazine article for modifying the PSU on the 2000 Series to get Better Stability
Guide to replacing the VFO Drive Cord
Word Document of the list of Factory Modifications that were available for the KW 2000 (Source Roger Basford G3VKM)
Shure Microphone Datasheet
Last Updated : 31st July 2024