Drake R-4C Sherwood Receiver Downloads
The photos below are of a very rare beast of a receiver that I am so bloody lucky to be the carer of this fine receiver, this is a Factory Fitted Drake R-4C that has been through Rob Sherwood’s hands and all of the modifications, and tuning was done by the man himself. I have seen a lot of these Darkes that claimed to be this model but they look terrible and no care has been taken, they are messy and quite often bodged, and when you see them, please walk away, because you will be bitten when you come to address the mess that more than often they have been bodged or even worse damaged to such a point that they cannot be returned to fully working order without a great deal of work and a lot of replacement parts. This unit cost a friend of mine a lot of money and I receive many e-mails each month asking me if I would sell it and offering me a lot of money, I would never sell this and hopefully one day I can find someone that I can gift it to that I feel will cherish it like I have. I have yet to come across a receiver as good as this, it has been used in contests to pick out troublesome signals that many modern-day transceivers are having problems with, it really is an outstanding receiver.
Drake R-4C (Sherwood Factory Fitted) – Filter Capacitor Modification RPS-4 Ver C
3 Pages. …
128.88 KB 16 downloads
Drake R-4C (Sherwood Factory Fitted) – Replacement PD-4B Product Detector – Version E
2 Pages. …
402.09 KB 15 downloads
Drake R-4C (Sherwood Factory Fitted) – Installation of the Mix 4C – Rev. R
3 Pages. …
392.14 KB 16 downloads
Drake R-4C (Sherwood Factory Fitted) – R4C Power Supply Replacement – Version J
3 Pages. …
390.79 KB 17 downloads
Please Note that a lot of the downloads that I have for the Drake R-4C Sherwood Receiver had been the exact same that I have for the Drake R-4C Receiver, so I have remove any that I have duplicated a thus leaving anything that is just for this model.
Last Updated : 31st August 2024