Drake 1-A Sideband Receiver
The famous Drake 1-A amateur band receiver was manufactured by the R.L. Drake Company in Miamisburg, OH, from 1957-59.
The 1-A was followed by the 2-A in 1960, the 2-B in 1961, and the 2-C in 1966. The 2-C finally ceased production in 1974.
The 1-A’s innovative triple-conversion design started a movement toward lightweight high-performance SSB receivers that continued for more than twenty years.
Weighing only 18 lbs, the 1-A outgunned its heavyweight peers, the National NC-300 (57 lbs), the Hammarlund HQ-170 (45 lbs), and the massive Hallicrafters SX-101 (70 lbs).
There are few Drake 1-A’s still in existence, and the remaining ones are greatly valued by collectors for their historical significance, rarity, and performance.
The 1-A is a 13 tube amateur band receiver that covers 80-10 meters plus WWV in 8 ranges. It is designed for SSB and CW reception only, with a two-speed tuning dial calibrated every 10 kHz. The receiver features a rear-firing speaker, plug-in crystal calibrator, and passband tuning (PBT). Interestingly, PBT had been introduced only two years earlier (1955) in the Collins 75A-4.

Thanks to W8ZR for the Text and Information.

Last Updated : 26th August 2024