Replacing Filter Capacitors on the Drake R-4B
Original Article by Daniel Mackintosh (W6SPC), Sadly now Silent Key
Daniel, W6SPC, has a great idea for replacing electrolytic filter capacitors on the Drake R-4B receiver (especially pertinent now that Drake is phasing out servicing for its older gear and parts are becoming less available)
Quad filter capacitors are scarce or no longer available, and the available space below the R-4B chassis rules out using four single capacitors.
I installed four singles on a 5-pin plug in the place of the quad unit, however (see drawings, below), and it worked out just fine! A socket was installed in the old chassis hole and wired to connect to the replacement capacitors.
Then, wire the individual capacitors to a mating 5-pin plug and you have a four-section filter capacitor.
Older-style plugs and sockets like the 5-pin unit I used (or other pin configurations, such as octal) often are available very inexpensively at hamfest flea markets.
The ground plate on the plug–used as the common or negative capacitor terminal was cut out using the outline of the old capacitor mounting plate.
A locking ring holds the plate in place. While I installed my unit in a Drake R-4B, this idea is applicable to any older gear that calls for a multiple-section filter capacitor can.
All capacitors now are mounted on a 5-pin plug (Amphenol 86CP5 or similar).
The 5-pin socket fits into the hole in the R-4B chassis that’s left when you remove the old filter capacitor.
The pins on the socket now are used as terminal points.

Installing the socket in the R-4B meant installing a spacer under one side of the audio output transformer to accommodate one side of the socket.
Also, the headphone jack will have to be oriented as shown.

I wired up the new 5-pin socket as follows…
I wired up the new 5-pin socket as follows, installing the 1 kW resistor between pins 1 and 3 of the socket
Pin 1 = 20 mf
Pin 2, 3, 4 = 100 mf
Pin 5 = Ground to chassis

Last Updated : 28th August 2024