


It always blows my mind at the kindness in others.

This website has kind of taken over my life, it costs a bloody fortune to run a website like this, and even more in time sat at the keyboard and away from the too many Hobbies that I have.

I know to many that the word ‘Cancer’ is just a word with very little meaning, but until you get the call from the Doctor’s to say that you have it, your life feels prety much on course to being perfect, or at least as perfect as we have made it.

I have never made this website to make money, in-fact it costs me so much more than I or anyone would expect, we all see these adverts for build a website for £5 and expect that to be all, but on top of that there is the costs of the SSL Certificate, the hosting fees for having Unlimited Space Especially as this site is now well over 75Gb, backup fees for Cloud backups, and then you have the on-going costs of plugin’s and theme changes.

So when someone goes to the hassle of wanted to send you some money to help out, and I suppose it is not too easy as I have not up until now posted a PayPal Donations address, but it looks as though I should. So….

Juergen Krause

I really do appreciate your kindness, your gift is much appreciated, and as I have always said itare the small things that make life worth living, and because of people like you I will try to Pass on your kindness to other.

Thanks you so much.

All help is always grateful, it certainly makes me smile when I do not often feel like it…  

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