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We sadly heard the news that we lost another Radio Amateur here on the Isle of Man, Paul Crapper (GD3MXG) from Fort William Street in Douglas who founded the very well-known Ham Radio Tuner and Accessories manufacturer called “S.E.M.” sadly past away at Nobles Hospital on 3rd January 2012.
Many of us here on the Isle of Man and around the world will remember S.E.M. and maybe even still own one of his ‘TranZmatch’s or his ‘QRM Eliminator’ to name just two of the many items he developed, he was after all a very clever man.
He was always willing to chat and help anyone out, he will be missed by many…
Donations in lieu of flowers if so desired should be sent to The R.N.L.I. in Douglas, C/O Mr J Burden, 44 Selborne Drive, Douglas. He was a great supporter of the RNLI.
I am now retired and living on the Isle of Man, my background is as varied as it gets, ranging from Information Technology to Graphic Designer and 3D VFX Artist, using and teaching Autodesk Maya, Softimage, and Smoke, one of more enjoyable positions. Since Moving to the Isle of Man I try to keep myself to myself and work on the house, I don't do much with regards to Amateur Radio or Electronics anymore, but I am still interested in the hobby and may well get back into it one day....