Loads of Goodies for my Radio Projects.
It’s really nice when you get loads of parcels, well at least I like it, the good old postman have plonked the mountain of boxes inside the front door, so much so that I could not get out, so I had to move them upstairs to the shack.
Most was expected such as the 3 large boxes from CPC containing the storage racks that will enable me to sort through the rest of the components that William Cowell had sent me for the PICaSTAR project
And last but not least was another package from Chris, this time with his built but not working mcHF SDR Radio that apparently requires the MCU to be replaced ad he thinks that it has been damaged during the soldering phase of his project.
I will of course double check his findings first and if it is required, replace the faulty components that I come across, more on this in a later post.