Wide Band Utility Yagis for 420-450 MHz
In our last design adventure, we examined a pair of wide-band Yagi’s for the 420-450 MHz band. The 4- and 6-element designs used 0.5″ (12.7 mm) diameter elements and some OWA principles of spacing for the reflector, driver, and first director to obtain some reasonable operating characteristics across the passband. The chief goal of having worthy gain and a 50-Ohm SWR that never exceeds 1.3:1 from 420 to 450 MHz was achieved in both cases, although the design goals of each model varied somewhat. Either of these small Yagi’s might serve well as a utility antenna for any purpose for which the gain level might be suitable. The 4-element beam was under 16″ (400 mm) long (exclusive of end-mounting boom extensions), while the 6-element version was just over 33″ (862 mm) long.
I shall look at three designs: a typical “Handbook” design, a DL6WU design, and the final half-inch element wide-band design. For reference, their relative sizes appear in Figure 1

A “Handbook” 8-Element Design
There are numerous design sequences that have emerged from various types of calculations and computer programs. One such “Handbook” design that covers 432-MHz designs from a few to very many elements will be our first subject. I choose it because it is typical of many such designs. What typical means will appear presently. For the moment, typical will simply mean that it uses 3/16″ (0.1875″ or 4.76 mm) element diameters. First, the dimensions.
“Handbook” 8-Element Yagi Dimensions
Element | Length ion inches | Length in mm | Space from Reflector in inches | Space from Reflector in mm |
Reflector | 13.39 | 340 | – | – |
Driver | 13.15 | 334 | 4.09 | 104 |
Director 1 | 12.40 | 315 | 5.75 | 146 |
Director 2 | 12.05 | 306 | 8.82 | 224 |
Director 3 | 11.77 | 299 | 13.07 | 332 |
Director 4 | 11.61 | 295 | 18.35 | 466 |
Director 5 | 11.46 | 291 | 24.49 | 622 |
Director 6 | 11.38 | 289 | 31.42 | 798 |
If you looked at the first article in this series, you will note that the boom length is shorter than that of the 6-element wide-band beam (33.94″ or 862 mm). As well, if you have digested Jim Lawson’s classic study of Yagis, you will expect that this 8-element beam may not have exceptionally high gain for the number of elements. The NEC-4 model of this antenna turns up the following performance numbers.
Frequency and Parameter | Calculated Value |
420 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.59 |
Front-to-Back dB | 19.53 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 22.9 – j 7.1 |
50-Ohm SWR | 2.235 |
425 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.79 |
Front-to-Back dB | 26.59 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 25.2 + j 3.3 |
50-Ohm SWR | 2.000 |
430 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.91 |
Front-to-Back dB | 22.01 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 33.7 + j 11.8 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.623 |
435 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.89 |
Front-to-Back dB | 16.90 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 43.7 + j 2.3 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.160 |
440 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.69 |
Front-to-Back dB | 22.05 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 22.1 – j 2.9 |
50-Ohm SWR | 2.277 |
445 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 11.30 |
Front-to-Back dB | 15.82 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 10.2 + j 15.5 |
50-Ohm SWR | 5.395 |
450 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 10.84 |
Front-to-Back dB | 20.12 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 15.2 + j 34.0 |
50-Ohm SWR | 4.903 |
Clearly, the antenna is not designed for full coverage of the band. Instead, it is designed for a relatively small portion of the band, if we use a direct feed for the driver. Figure 2 provides the 50-Ohm SWR curve, which reveals that less than half the band can be covered with under 2:1 SWR. The region available (about 425 MHz to 439 MHz) generally corresponds to the region of peak antenna performance. The element length tapers as one moves forward from the reflector to the front end is one of the giveaway’s that this is a fairly narrow-band design by nature. Forward of the reflector, all of the elements are longer than any of those on designs that we have so far examined.

These notes are not intended in any way to denigrate the design, which I think is quite good for the category of antenna involved. For a short-boom narrow band design, it achieves its goals well, with a good front-to-back ratio in the region of peak gain. Nevertheless, like many other designs of its ilk, it will not satisfy the criteria set up for this exercise.
A Modified DL6WU 8-Element Design
Gunter Hoch, DL6WU, one of the pioneers in the mathematical design of UHF Yagis, remains the premier designer of wide-band Yagis for the 432-MHz band. His designs have withstood the test of time and amateur experimentation/modification. Granted, one can achieve narrow-band gain with shorter booms than he used, but exceeding his gain vs. bandwidth “product” is a major challenge.
We often think of DL6WU designs as very long-boom affairs with more elements than anyone except the builder wishes to count. However, one of the advantages of his log-based designs is the fact that–within reason–one can chop off almost any number of directors and still end up with a Yagi of very respectable wide-band performance. From a 31-element design, I have in past design exercises derived numerous sub-designs down to about 12 elements, each with similar coverage of the band. However, in this case, we shall reduce the total element count to 8. The resulting design, using 4 mm diameter elements, has the following dimensions.
DL6WU 8-Element Wide-Band Yagi Dimensions
Element | Length in inches | Length in mm | Spacing from Reflector in inches | Spacing from Reflector in mm |
Reflector | 13.41 | 340.6 | – | – |
Driver | 12.99 | 330 | 5.46 | 138.8 |
Director 1 | 11.97 | 304 | 7.51 | 190.8 |
Director 2 | 11.78 | 299.2 | 12.43 | 315.8 |
Director 3 | 11.64 | 295.6 | 18.31 | 465 |
Director 4 | 11.50 | 292.2 | 25.13 | 638.4 |
Director 5 | 11.39 | 289.2 | 32.79 | 832.8 |
Director 6 | 11.28 | 286.4 | 40.98 | 1040.9 |
Director 5 already exceeds the boom length of the “Handbook” design. The DL6WU element taper is slightly more severe than that of the shorter beam. Let’s look at the antenna’s modeled performance.
Frequency and Parameter | Calculated Value |
420 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.18 |
Front-to-Back dB | 13.87 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 58.1 – j 9.9 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.267 |
425 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.34 |
Front-to-Back dB | 13.93 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 59.1 + j 16.0 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.401 |
430 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.48 |
Front-to-Back dB | 14.57 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 49.7 + j 17.8 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.426 |
435 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.64 |
Front-to-Back dB | 16.44 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 38.6 + j 8.6 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.381 |
440 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.79 |
Front-to-Back dB | 22.06 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 35.0 – j 9.0 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.513 |
445 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.70 |
Front-to-Back dB | 19.08 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 52.9 + j 26.9 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.681 |
450 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.05 |
Front-to-Back dB | 14.18 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 52.1 + j 21.1 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.510 |
Considering the boom length and operating bandwidth, the DL6WU would be quite hard to beat. It has a 50-Ohm SWR curve that remains below 1.7:1 all across the band, with a total gain variation of only about 0.7 dB. The front-to-back ratio varies by about 6 dB. The model used here has one variation on the original from which it is derived. Director 1 was increased in length by about 1.2 mm in order to smooth the SWR response. As Figure 3 reveals, the original SWR curve showed an unnecessary peak in the 445 to 440 MHz region. Lengthening the first director reduced this peak at a very slight cost in the SWR in the lower 2/3 of the band.

The trick to maintaining an acceptable SWR across the band is keeping the total change of feedpoint resistance and reactance under control. The DL6WU design manages to hold the change of resistance to about 14 Ohms. However, the reactance changes by about 48 Ohms across the band. Some improvement may be possible if we consider the numbers for the 4- and 6-element designs. The 4-element design, which stressed a smooth gain curve over front-to-back ratio, showed a resistance range of about 15 Ohms with a reactance range of only 9 Ohms. The 6-element design, which strove for a better balance of gain and front-to-back ratio, showed a resistance range of only 6.2 Ohms, but a reactance range of 22 Ohms. It would appear that some improvement over the DL6WU design is possible in terms of feed-point impedance control.
An 8-Element Wide-Band Yagi Design
The resulting 8-element wide-band design, using 0.5″ diameter elements, has the following dimensions.
Element | Length in inches | Length in mm | Spacing from Reflector in inches | Spacing from Reflector in mm |
Reflector | 13.46 | 342 | – | – |
Driver | 12.28 | 312 | 5.95 | 151 |
Director 1 | 11.26 | 286 | 9.90 | 251 |
Director 2 | 10.91 | 277 | 16.14 | 410 |
Director 3 | 10.91 | 277 | 24.96 | 634 |
Director 4 | 10.47 | 266 | 34.06 | 865 |
Director 5 | 10.16 | 258 | 43.74 | 1111 |
Director 6 | 9.96 | 253 | 53.43 | 1357 |
For the extra foot of boom length, the antenna does achieve a usable gain advantage. Figure 4 shows the gain curves of the present antenna (at the top), with the DL6WU antenna (just below). The two curves are reasonably congruent. The remaining curves for the “Handbook” narrow-band design and the 6-element design–of similar boom lengths–show the next echelon down of gain values.

The gain and front-to-back ratio of the longer design are fairly well controlled, as shown in Figure 5. Like the DL6WU design, the gain varies by only 0.7 dB across the band. The front-to-back variation is about 6 dB.

As with all designs for this frequency range, there are differences between NEC-4 and NEC-2 results: about a 5 MHz displacement in curves. Figure 6 shows the 50-Ohm SWR curves for both NEC-2 and NEC-4 models of the wide-band design. The upturn in SWR for the NEC-4 model occurs above 450 MHz and thus does not appear on the graph. The NEC-4 curve remains below 1.31:1 across the band.

The control of the feed-point resistance and reactance is presented in Figure 7. The total resistance range is about 16 Ohms, while the reactance range is about 19 Ohms. In general, where the resistance depart most widely from 50 Ohms, the reactance value is quite low, while the extremes of reactance values occur with the resistance quite close to 50 Ohms.

Frequency and Parameter | Calculated Value |
420 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 12.80 |
Front-to-Back dB | 16.71 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 38.2 + j 0.0 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.309 |
425 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.03 |
Front-to-Back dB | 15.24 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 43.6 + j 5.8 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.202 |
430 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.21 |
Front-to-Back dB | 14.66 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 49.5 + j 8.3 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.183 |
435 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.38 |
Front-to-Back dB | 15.13 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 52.5 + j 7.7 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.171 |
440 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.50 |
Front-to-Back dB | 17.04 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 51.5 – j 8.2 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.178 |
445 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.48 |
Front-to-Back dB | 20.63 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 53.6 + j 10.3 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.234 |
450 MHz | |
Free-Space Gain dBi | 13.11 |
Front-to-Back dB | 20.53 |
Feed Z (R +/- jX) | 52.3 + j 8.8 |
50-Ohm SWR | 1.194 |
To give a sense of the pattern shapes, when the antenna is horizontally positioned, Figure 8 shows the band edge and mid-band free-space azimuth patterns for the wide-band design. The evolution of side lobe development–both forward and rearward–is clearly evident from the patterns.

When used vertically positioned, the antenna patterns deviate significantly from those just shown. Therefore, Figure 9 positions the antenna vertically with the boom 10 wavelengths above ground (about 23′). The azimuth pattern is taken at an elevation angle of 1.4 degrees, corresponding to the take-off or elevation angle of maximum radiation.

The wide-band design has been allowed to speak for itself in terms of performance. Whether it amounts to an advance on the DL6WU design depends largely on one’s perspective. The DL6WU antenna has a bit lower gain in accord with its shorter boom length. The front-to-back values vary in the same amount but in a different pattern from the corresponding variations for the wide-band design. The DL6WU SWR values are not as flat as those of the wide-band design, but they do not exceed 1.7:1. Finally, the DL6WU design uses a common element diameter that is familiar to most beam builders for the 420-450 MHz band.
The wide-band Yagi has more gain and a flatter SWR pattern. However, it also requires a longer boom and fatter elements. Whether the benefits of the wide-band design are sufficient to override the requirement to rethink and redesign the mechanical aspects of constructing the beam is a user decision. I suspect that those who build beams as simply a means to operational goals may stick with the tried and true. Those who love to experiment with what may be possible in antenna performance may wish to develop construction techniques that one day might make fat elements as common on 432 MHz as thin elements currently are.
Nevertheless, the exercise has been useful in comparing Yagi types for the 420-450 MHz region. If the 8-element design proves insufficiently beneficial to warrant its use as a wide-band utility antenna for the band, perhaps the smaller 4- and 6-element versions may find a niche. In any event, these design endeavors have shown that it is possible to develop Yagis with reasonable performance figures that can cover all of the band with a 1.3:1 or better 50-Ohm SWR.
Originally posted on the AntennaX Online Magazine by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Last Updated : 30th January 2025