I popped into Douglas today to meet up with some of the guys for a coffee, only to have a very much welcomed visitor appear, Claus (DO9BC) who had hitched a lift back with Mike Birchall from Germany and is spending the rest of the week on the Isle of Man, though he could have brought some nicer weather with him!
I got sent out into the wind to try and locate him having been told that he was somewhere between the Steam Racket terminal and the Coffee Shop…

Anyway I dragged him over for a coffee and to meet the guys, and hopefully he did not feel too left out, Mike Birchall turned up later for some helpful translating.

Harry arrived with Morgan shortly before Me and Claus arrived.

So What made it Horrible?
When I got home, my poor old cat, called ‘Data’ was not looking to happy at all, and after some soul searching I thought that the best I could do for her now was to take her to Jane Callows in Ramsey and get her put out of her pain.
So here’s to you Data, I will miss you loads, and thank-you so much for the 20 years we have spent together.